In order to make sure you get the best possible service on Villsy, we can vouch for the following:
Our website will always offer you the lowest possible prices when you’re making your reservations.
Should you ever find a better deal than the one we’re offering, get in touch with us and we will match that price.
All villas have been thoroughly inspected by our team. We are a fully-licensed tourist agency.
All descriptions of the villas listed on Villsy are 100% accurate and the locations of the villas are exact.
Each and every villa has been inspected by all relevant regulatory bodies of the Republic of Croatia.
The calendars are accurate and regularly updated.
All owners of the villas are required by contract to keep villas in the state fitting the description given on this website.
Only you and the people accompanying you can use the villas when you rent them out. Other guests and the owners are not allowed to use them or anything else on the property.
Rates include all fees and taxes, such as VAT, tourist tax, and all utilities. There are no hidden costs.
You will always be able to communicate with a property manager who can help you with booking, stay in touch with you before you come and be at your service during your stay.
By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our privacy policy.