Vila Grotta terms - Villsy

General terms


The subject of this contract is the settlement of relations between the travel agency Luxistria Rent, Partizanska 6A, Poreč, OIB: 85639407715, e mail: (hereinafter referred to as Luxistria) on its name and on behalf of the contractual lessor on the one side, and for the accomodation user (hereinafter

The Luxistria travel agency provides accommodation services according to the published information, as well as according to the description and schedule in accordance with the confirmed reservation. By paying an advance for the reservation of the selected property in the requested period, you unconditionally accept these General Terms and Conditions. Luxistria reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions, which will be published on the Luxistria website, and which will come into force on the day of publication. 


Regardless of whether the reservation has been made directly by the guest, or through a partner agency, upon receiving confirmation of reservation the guest/agency has to make an advance payment of 30 % within the next 5 days, thus definitely confirming the booking. The balance of the full amount has to be paid at least 30-60 days before arrival (depends of objects) and starting of using the reserved service. For reservations made within 30 days before arrival the total amount of reservation must be paid in the next 48 hours. Payment of reservations made within 30 days before arival must be reconfirmed by written confirmation (e-mail) of the made payment. Luxistria will send to each guest the confirmation of the received payment with all necessary further details. 


The price of accommodation includes the basic service as described in the booked accommodation unit. Special services are those not included in the price of accommodation (in accommodation unit description indicated by “services upon agreement" or “additional services" available if arranged in advance); therefore the customer pays for them separately. These services must be requested at the time of booking.

Confirmed price of accommodation is given in kuna and will be charged according to the foreign exchange rate of our bank on the charge date. Luxistria agency reserves the right to make changes to the stated prices (in the event that the host changes prices or there are changes in exchange rates). For customers who have paid an advance for their reservation, Luxistria agency guarantees the price of accommodation, stated in the calculation according to which the advance was paid. If the changes occur prior to the payment of the advance, Luxistria agency is required to inform the customer.

If more customers than are stated on the voucher arrive at the accommodation unit, the host has the right to deny the extra customers accommodation or to accommodate all of the customers at extra charge directly made to the host.


The offered accommodation units are described in accordance with the official categorization of the proper authority, as well as the actual state of the unit at the time of its publication. The standards of the accommodation, food, services and the like vary depending on the destination/country and are not subject to comparison. The information provided to the Traveller at the point of sale does not obligate the Agency any more than the information stated on the web pages of or in the catalogue or other printed materials of the Agency.


Luxistria agency reserves the right to change or modify a reservation in case of circumstances caused by conditions beyond its control that cannot be predicted, avoided or rectified. Booked accommodation can be substituted only by an accommodation unit of the same or higher category and at the price confirmed during booking, provided that customer is notified ahead of time.

Should the substitute accommodation be available only in an accommodation unit of higher category and should the price of the substitute accommodation be higher by 10% or more than the initially booked accommodation, Luxistria agency reserves the right to charge the price difference upon consulting the customer.

In cases where substitute accommodation for paid accommodation is not available, Luxistria agency reserves the right to cancel the reservation upon prior customer notification (at least 7 days before arrival) and guarantees the refund of the complete paid amount.

Should an adequate substitute accommodation not be available on the day of arrival, will provide information on available accommodation that is not included in Luxistria agency offer and guarantees the refund of the complete paid amount.


Should the customer wish to change or cancel a reservation, this must be done in written form (email, mail, or fax). The following are examples of changes: changes to the number of customers, changes to arrival / departure dates. Changes must be made at least 30 days prior to the arrival date. The first change to the reservation is free of charge, unless it entails further expenses for Luxistria agency. Should a change to the reservation not be possible and should the customer cancel for this reason, the conditions for the cancellation of reservation listed below will be enforced. The following are examples of cancellation of reservation: change of accommodation unit, and all changes done within 30 days of the arrival date or during use of the accommodation unit.

In case of cancellation of fixed confirmed private accommodation reservation, the date of receipt of the written cancellation is used to calculate cancellation costs as follows:

Payment: 30% of the reservation amount is charged at the time of booking and the balance is charged at least 60 days before the arrival.

If guest wants to cancel the resevation the following applies:

Should the customer not arrive at the booked accommodation unit before midnight on the arrival date, and the customer has not informed Luxistria agency or the host, the reservation is considered to be cancelled, and therefore the cancellation costs will be charged as described above. Should the real costs exceed the above stated costs, Luxistria Rent reserves the right to charge the difference. Should the customer find a replacement for the cancelled reservation, Luxistria agency will only charge the real costs caused by the replacement.


It is Luxistria agency obligation to take care of provided services, hosts, and customers’ interests and rights according to accepted customs and practices in tourism. Luxistria agency will carry out all stated obligations in full and as described above, except in circumstances caused by conditions beyond its control.


The customer is required:

to have valid travel documents,

to obey customs regulations and currency exchange regulations of the country where the destination is located,

to obey house rules in accommodation units and to have good relations with the host,

to produce the confirmation of payment (voucher received by mail or email) upon arrival,

the customer is obligated to check whether a visa is necessary for the country where the destination is located or for neighboring countries.

Should the customer not follow the above listed obligations, the customer is liable for caused damage and must cover the expenses.

By confirming the reservation, the customer accepts to pay for all damages caused directly to the host.


Luxistria agency is not responsible for damaged, destroyed or lost luggage, as well as for the theft of luggage or valuables in the accommodation unit. Lost luggage or stolen goods should be reported to the host and the local police department.


Should the services provided not be satisfactory, the customer is entitled to seek reasonable compensation by filing a written complaint or coming directly to our office. Every customer is entitled to file a complaint if the paid service is not provided. Every customer – reservation holder, files a separate complaint.

If the guest does not make a complaint on the spot, he/she does not have a right to be refunded.

Furthermore, the guest is required to cooperate with Luxistria agency representatives and the service provider in good faith in order to rectify the problem. If the guest refuses to accept the solution that is in accordance with services paid for, Luxistria agency is not required to accept any further complaints referring to this service (if there is an appropriate alternative in the same accommodation building, the guest is required to accept it).

The maximum compensation per complaint can amount to the cost of the part of the service(s) in the complaint. It cannot amount to the total paid to Luxistria Poreč and cannot include services already provided. With this the guest’s right to an ideal compensation of damages has been excluded.

Luxistria agency cannot be responsible for the weather conditions, the cleanliness and temperature of the sea of destinations visited as well as all other similar situations and events not directly related to the quality of the reserved accommodation unit that can result in the dissatisfaction of the guest.


The Traveller provides personal information of his/her own free will. Personal information is required for processing requested services. The same information shall be used for inter-communication. Luxistria agency is under obligation that the personal information of the Traveller will not be taken out of the country or given to a third party except for the purpose of carrying out requested services. The exception of passing on personal information to third parties refers to cancellation insurance or insurance against accidents and illness, insurance of lost luggage and health insurance for the duration of the trip both locally and abroad. Should the Traveller request insurance, the personal information of the Traveller will be passed on to the insurance company. The personal information will be kept in a database in accordance with the Management’s decision on the method used for collecting, processing and securing personal information.


Putting down a deposit, in other words, payment in full signifies that the Traveller fully comprehends and accepts the aforementioned terms.

These General Terms and travel regulations override all former terms and travel regulations.


In the event of simultaneous offers, discounts cannot be combined. Discounts do not apply to last minute offers.


The Luxistria agency user provides personal information voluntarily. The personal information of the guests is requested in the process of realization of the requested service and will be used for further mutual communication (for example, letter of intent, payment instructions, notices of delivery of the service).

The Luxistria agency agrees that the user’s personal data will not be disclosed out of the country or transferred to third parties, with the exception of the partners involved in the implementation of the contractual service (eg. accommodation, airline, carrier).

The user’s personal data will be stored in the database, according to the decision of the director on how to collect, process and store personal data.


The Traveller and the Luxistria agency will aim to settle possible law suits in the application of this Agreement and if an agreement cannot be reached the issue will become subject to the decision of the Poreč Court jurisdiction, under the authority of the laws of the Republic of Croatia.

Poreč, 2.4.2022